Style Crest, Inc. Partnered with Enterprise Consulting to Upgrade to IFS Applications 10™

Style Crest, Inc. manufactures and distributes exterior residential and manufactured home products with a national network of distribution centers. After struggling with having to perform duplicate transactions and merge data from two systems, Style Crest wanted to be able to analyze and serve their clients from only one consistent viewpoint. Running half of their business on a bespoke legacy system, leading to complicated interfaces, dual system support, and inconsistent information. Style Crest believes in the value of solid relationships and delivery and saw the benefit in completely integrating to IFS, to create one system. They decided they would turn to Enterprise Consulting to determine and deliver their solution.

Enterprise Consulting provided to Style Crest, Inc. an Upgrade to IFS Applications 10™, using the standard Enterprise Consulting Implementation Methodology. Enterprise Consulting utilized members from all areas of expertise, including Project Management, Technical Management, and Functional Consultants. They worked together to develop business processes, execute installations, and provide training and workshops to inform best practices. By adding IFS manufacturing and supply chain tools, Style Crest was able to completely integrate into IFS. Their IFS Applications 10™ Upgrade is Set to Go Live on 1/31/2022.


Executing this IFS Applications 10™ Upgrade provides Style Crest with one source of truth, one system for all transactions, and real-time visibility to all information. This allows them to continue to serve their clients at all levels of business and bring value to them, by listening and communicating with their customers quickly, easily, and clearly from one consistent source.

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