Case Studies
See how Enterprise Consulting helps companies achieve business results with IFS Applications™

In November of 2019, the last wave of EIPs (a total of 12 in three separate waves) went live on IFS Applications™ 10. The original project drivers established at the beginning of the Upgrade Project were all successfully addressed by the upgrade. In addition, seven of the original twelve IFS Applications™ Modifications were eliminated. In the end, the entire Upgrade Project was delivered successfully and under budget by Enterprise Consulting to a very happy North American Networks, LLC and the associated Emerson Impact Partners.
In November of 2018, Seven Seas Water went live on IFS Applications 9, Update 10. The original project drivers were all successfully addressed by the upgrade: stable infrastructure and platform, reduced overall IT maintenance costs, new and improved functionality for current and future facilities and business lines, and the elimination of all but two existing IFS Applications modifications. All of this was delivered on time and under budget by Enterprise Consulting.
In October of 2018, CCI successfully went live on IFS Applications 9 at all facilities. The Enterprise Consulting team, led by an 18-year IFS veteran, executed the IFS implementation at CCI flawlessly. The project was a success both functionally and technically, with all key objectives being met. The entire IFS Applications 9 Implementation Project successfully went live on schedule and under budget. CCI is enjoying more efficiency gains and scalability.
Tri-Point, LLC is an oil and gas production, process equipment and services company based in Houston, TX, with operations located across the United States. Tri-Point initially implemented IFS Applications 8.1+ at their corporate manufacturing facility but soon discovered that their distributed oil field Supply Stores were in need of some help to effectively utilize the IFS solution. Our solution solved the Supply Store requirement.