Enterprise Consulting Provides IFS Go-Live Preparation Training and Support To Experitec

Experitec, one of twelve individual companies of North American Networks (NAN), has engaged Enterprise Consulting to walk through a series of base artifacts which are part of the “common design” documentation put in place for the company-wide NAN IFS Implementation Project. These artifacts include the Process Maps, Business Case Scenarios, Work Instructions and Basic Data as defined in the IFS “NAN Gold” environment. Enterprise Consulting was engaged to provide a review within many IFS functional areas, providing Finance, OM/IM, Purchasing, Service/Project and Inventory Control workshops. Enterprise Consulting provided seasoned Management Consultants who are familiar with the artifacts and the IFS implementation within NAN who were able to provide a focused solution to address Experitec’s specific issues.

In preparation for their IFS Functional Workshops, Experitec was provided with a structured walk through of their artifacts in the functional areas mentioned, including the ability to log potential gap items between as-is processes today and the “common design” solution that will become the to-be processes. Experitec was able to see how the IFS application operates from a high level and what the basic data looks like. In addition, Experitec was provided with outlines that can be used to continue their internal familiarization of the IFS solution. Finally, Experitec was also able to review the solution within their own test environment. This provided Experitec with a 4-5 week “head start” as they headed into the project kick off and functional walk-throughs, and gave the team high confidence about the success of their Implementation of IFS Applications.

Deana Ward